[DRAFT] On a rigid body inside an incompressible viscous flow
I want to understand the behaviour of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes system coupled with a rigid body, and the limits of solutions as the size of the rigid body vanishes.
I want to understand the behaviour of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes system coupled with a rigid body, and the limits of solutions as the size of the rigid body vanishes.
In this post I will present how to use python as a tool to simulate fluid mechanics. It will be very basic at first and I will try to increase the complexity either by continue in other posts or simply by expanding the current one.
This set of videos were created using Theano (just for the optimization of computations) for a small talk on PDEs on curved spaces.
is a great tool for symbolic computations developed in Python. It has a module for differential geometry that allows you to compute some of the important objects as the Christoffel symbols and curvature objects. I wanted to give it a try and I created a jupyter notebook with a simple test using the Schwarzschild metric and numerically computing some geodesics.